Wednesday, June 12, 2013


كنت كتبت وصية قبل كدة، فيها حاجات كتير وكلام كتير وزوّدتها كمان شوية
حسيت وقتها عدى وكانت في زمن إنتهى

دلوقتي، وصيتي حاجة واحدة بس - تكتبوا على قبري: "سقاه الغرام" 
 آه، وإبقوا دعبسوا في أوضتي واللي يلاقي حاجة تخصه يحتفظ بيها

بس كدة

برغم من كل اللي عملته؛ حبيتكم فشخ وبحبكم فشخ، وبحبك فشخ
خلوا بالكم من نفسكم :)

(P.S.: This is NOT a suicide note! -.-)
I just wish when the time comes there'd be no one I know to read this; that I'm the last to go
I don't want any of the beautiful people I've met to be saddened because of me
No one this lonely should be grieved 

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


That moment between deep sleep & waking up
or between changing gears while driving
right before you start something different you signed up for
first day at the university
the moment when you realize that your first 7-9 years-long project is fulfilled...with no idea of what's next

A big part of childishness was being able to start new things, venture into the unknown
What happened to that? and how did it disappear...and why?

Too much to hang on, maybe?

Dreams of childhood times (with a twisted spin, of course)

You never fully understand it till it reaches something you never imagined would change...or didn't want to