Monday, August 15, 2011

Warriors of the Good; both dark & light

It is said that Warriors may choose their paths (Good or Evil)...
but the weapons they wield is decided for them by fate (Light or Darkness)

Indeed; you can find a warrior, a fighter, on the Good side using the tools (usually those) of Evil for their good cause

Some may assume the side a warrior chose based on their weapon (Darkness=evil, Light=Good) but as you see, that's misleading

On some level or another, everyone knows what path they chose & what kind of weapon they wield

The interesting thing is:

Those who wield Light are destined to walk in darkness where their light is needed

And those who wield Darkness surround themselves with people of Light to keep themselves sane & don't mistake themselves for Evil just because they wield Darkness...

As random as it gets, eh ?...

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