Friday, June 3, 2011

About Egypt & Its Revolutionaries: Confusion

Question to all you well-intentioned, kind-hearted Activists...Considering this:
1. Events like police torturing again, virginity checks, army violations...etc that get us riled up and mobbing to protest against them in no time

2. Other events like the remnants of the old regime (Felool) reorganizing themselves & unifying their efforts to turn the people against the revolutionaries and revolution (ex: the strangely organized & unified-slogan campaigns in support of the army & police like what happened in Mostafa Mahmoud Sq. earlier today)
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY is the amount of shady laws & money smuggled outside Egypt 

3. Everyday people's issues; the prices of basic food items, the no-improvement or actually deterioration of quality of life, same bullshit treatment from Police & Army (after many in poor areas being caught by both & military tried) and above all the old feeling that there voice & screams go unheard like the old days & even worse

The Question is:
Most usually rally fairly quickly in response to the first kind of events. Others preach & urge others to pay more attention to the events especially the ones shaping our lives while we're "ملخومين" in the first type

The third type, that's me, who try to spread awareness of No.3 to gather support & momentum for stuff that are both important and popular (i was thinking of promoting the leftist/socialist agenda in simple words & towards achieving the "social justice" goals of the revolution)
Because otherwise, you won't get nearly enough support for any other cause you preach for
What to do ?

I'm fairly convinced that all these faces of the current state of events are important...and all of us are divided in paying attention to all these at the same time.
Lack of leadership is proving highly disadvantageous to us & the revolution
(and not true that we didn't have a leader, we did but our hate for the "symbols" of the regime unified us more. And with the symbols gone, we have nothing to follow)
Supporters of all three types believe that each one's type of cause is key to the success of our revolution...

Yet, our current way of dealing with things is proving to be unsuccessful...
"The edge of madness is to try the same thing & expect different results" - Einstein

Question again...what to do ? and why ?

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